June Special 2013 – Buy 1 Get 1 Free 25L Cow Manure

For those who want to get your Garden Beds ready for Spring, for the entire month of June 2013 we are offering
Buy 1 Get 1 Free 25L Cow Manure ! For the entire month of June 2013.
Cow Manure
Great for adding richness to the soil, your plants will thrive and the organic matter helps retain moisture as well.
Come in anytime between 9am – 5pm to take advantage of this offer, No Limit on Quantity. We are open everyday and our friendly staff will most certainly help you put them in the car. All part of the friendly service here at Annandale Garden Centre.
Thanks to our super soil supplier AMGROW, who do a fantastic range of products.
posted on: (12-14-2012)
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