Welcome all to our inaugral entry for the Gardening Advice page.
This first Topic of Discussion is a regular occurence encountered by City dwellers with a shady garden or balcony, especially as the sun moves around over the course of the year. In this segment we hope to provide you with some suggestions on something colourful to plant in that hard to grow shady area!
Our best suggestion is a couple of wonderful plants from the ABUTILON family. The Brazilian Bell Flower (red flowering abutilon) and the Triple Planted Chinese Lantern (3 Colours same plant – Red, Yellow, Orange) are hardy weeping standard type plants that will suit almost every aspect in your outdoor Garden. They can be grown in the ground or in pots and will grow to between 2.5 -3 m tall and tolerate both sun and shade!
Remarkably these plants flower all year round !
Brazilian Bell Flower - Weeping Standard Abutilon
We have these plants specially grown and available in Spring and Summer, so if you are interested dont hesitate to put your name down in store.
Other reliable plant options to provide colour in a shaded area is these striking RED ANTHIRIUMS. They also flower all year round and come in other colours such as Pink, White and sometimes Purple. We know they also do wonders as a colourful Indoor Plant. PEACE LILLIES are another hardy option for the shade or indoors.
Red Anthirium
Other extremely tough plants include CLIVEAS (Orange and Yellow) or AGAPANTHUS (Blue and White), however their flowering is generally limited to the Spring and Summer months. The Winter period sees AZALEAS, CAMELIAS come into their own, typically renowned as a shade loving plants, however certain varieties are now bred to appreciate a bit more sun. A combination of both flowering patterns would hopefully bring colour to your garden at different times of the year. Some lower growing Cliveas / Agapanthus beneath the taller Azalea or Camellia could provide great contrast.
Also why not try the spreading NATIVE VIOLET as a groundcover in the shade with delicate flowers all year round.
Great news to brighten up your Shady Garden or Balcony area long term !